Friday, April 3, 2020

Recipe Time: French Toast

Hello, everyone! 

Who wants to learn how to make a recipe from the United States? This dish is one of Ian's favorites, and is typical in his country for breakfast or a snack. It seems similar to the Spanish dish called "torrijas," but it tastes quite different!

Watch the video below and read the recipe under it to learn how to make it yourself at home!


Do you want to share pictures of you in the kitchen preparing the recipe or your finished product? Send them to us at or to the school's WhatsApp and we will be happy to share them on the blog!

Lucía made the recipe with her sons Javier and Pedro at home, and this was the result. Delicious!

Enjoy making French Toast and relaxing at home with your family during Holy Week. See you later!


"Hello" a todos!

Quen quere aprender a facer unha receita dos Estados Unidos? Este prato, moi típico dos Estados Unidos para o almorzo ou a merenda, é un dos favoritos de Ian. Parece similar ás "torrijas," pero sabe ben diferente!

Bota un ollo ao vídeo e á receita abaixo para aprender a facelo en casa!


Queredes compartir fotos de vós na cociña preparando a receita ou do resultado final? Envíalas a ou ao WhatsApp do colexio e estaremos encantados de compartilas no blog!

Lucía e os seus fillos Javier e Pedro fixeron a receita en casa, e así quedou. Que rico!

Pasádeo moi ben preparando a receita e desfrutando de estar en familia na casa durante a Semana Santa. Ata logo!

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