Hello to the students and families of 6th grade. We miss you and hope that you are doing well despite these strange times!
Before classes were suspended, we were working hard on our project to connect our school with the United States.
We were also studying the past simple tense in English.
Our language assistant Ian made this video and a presentation to review the past simple in English with regular verbs.
It's important to practice this material, including regular verbs, irregular verbs, and the verb "to be" in the past.
Here is an interactive worksheet to help you practice regular verbs in the past.
Finally, the verb "to be" (was and were) in the past is also extremely important. Here are three more interactive worksheets that you can use to practice.
Thanks for reading, and see you soon. And remember: everything will be okay!
If you have any questions or if you would like to share with us how you are practicing English, you can send us an e-mail to: ceipdomaioenglish@gmail.com.
If you have any questions or if you would like to share with us how you are practicing English, you can send us an e-mail to: ceipdomaioenglish@gmail.com.
"Hello" aos alumnos e familias de sexto de primaria. Botámosvos de menos e esperamos que vos atopedes ben malia estes tempos insólitos!
Antes da suspensión das clases, estabamos traballando moito no noso proxecto para conectar o noso colexio cos Estados Unidos.
Tamén, estabamos estudando o pasado simple en inglés.
O noso auxiliar de conversa Ian fixo este vídeo e unha presentación para repasar o pasado simple en inglés con verbos regulares.
É preciso practicar este material, que inclúe os verbos regulares, os verbos irregulares, e o verbo ¨to be¨ no pasado.
Velaquí unha ficha interactiva para practicar os verbos regulares no pasado simple.
Por último, o verbo ¨to be¨ (ser ou estar) no pasado (was and were) tamén é moi importante. Aquí atoparedes tres fichas interactivas máis para practicalo.
Grazas por ler, e ata pronto. E lembrade: todo sairá ben!
Se tes algunha dúbida ou se queres compartir connosco como estás a practicar o teu inglés, podes enviarnos un correo electrónico a: ceipdomaioenglish@gmail.com.
Se tes algunha dúbida ou se queres compartir connosco como estás a practicar o teu inglés, podes enviarnos un correo electrónico a: ceipdomaioenglish@gmail.com.
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