Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Halloween Story Time with Pre-Primary

We are celebrating Halloween at school this week! Yesterday, we began the celebration with a story time activity with pre-primary.

The 6th graders read and presented a story called ¨Go Away, Big Green Monster!¨ to the boys and girls in pre-primary, and then we danced to different Halloween songs.

We had a great time! You will find photos of our Halloween Story Time activity as well as the songs that we listened to under the text.

Happy Halloween!


Estamos celebrando o Halloween no colexio esta semana. Onte, empezamos a nosa celebración cos nenos e nenas de infantil cun contacontos.

Os alumnos de 6º leron e presentaron un libro que se chama ¨Go Away, Big Green Monster¨ aos nenos e nenas de infantil, e logo, bailamos escoitando unhas cancións de Halloween.

Pasámolo moi ben! Atoparedes unhas fotos da actividade e tamén as cancións que escoitamos debaixo do texto.

Happy Halloween!

Image result for go away big green monster"

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

3rd Grade: The House: Rooms and Objects

Hello! We are studying objects in the house with the children in 3rd grade.

We are also reviewing the rooms in the house. We studied this last year, but it is always good to practice!

Here are some activities that will help you to practice and study at home.


Ola! Estamos estudando os obxectos da casa cos rapaces e rapazas de 3º.

Estamos repasando tamén as habitacións da casa. Xa o estudamos o ano pasado, pero sempre fai falta practicar!

Deixámosvos unhas actividades que vos axudarán a practicar e estudar en casa.


House Objects Game #1

House Objects Game #2

Rooms of the House Activity

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

6th Grade: Describing People and Nationalities

6th grade is beginning the course by studying physical descriptions of people in English.

We are also beginning to study nationalities, a very interesting lesson that Will help us in the second trimester of the year with an exciting Project that we are going to do with a school in the United States.

You can find some pictures underneath of an activity that we did in class with ¨interactive worksheets¨ using students´ computers.

Below, you´ll find some activities and games to help you practice at home!


A clase de 6º está empezando o curso estudando as descripcións físicas das persoas en inglés.

Tamén, estamos comezando coas nacionalidades, unha cousa moi interesante que nos vai axudar no segundo trimestre cun proxecto moi emocionante que imos facer cun colexio nos Estados Unidos.

Deixámosvos unhas fotos dunha actividade que fixemos cos ¨interactive worksheets¨ utilizando os ordenadores que teñen os estudantes.

Máis abaixo, hai unhas actividades e xogos que podedes usar para practicar en casa!

Describing People Game

Nationalities Game

¨What are they wearing?¨ Live Worksheet

Physical Appearance Live Worksheet #1 

Physical Appearance Live Worksheet #2

2nd Grade: The House

With the boys and girls in 2nd grade, we are learning about the rooms of the house.

Here are some pictures of us learning about the rooms of the house in English!

Below the pictures, you can also see two videos and some games to practice at home.


Cos nenos e nenas de 2º, estamos estudando as partes da casa.

Deixámosvos unhas fotos da nosa clase, aprendendo as partes da casa en inglés!

Debaixo das fotos, atoparedes dous vídeos e uns xogos que serven para practicar en casa.

Game #1

Game #2

Monday, October 14, 2019

5th and 6th Grade: Verb ¨to be¨

With 5th grade, we are learning and practicing the verb ¨to be.¨ This is the most important verb in English and in the links below you will find some games and activities to help you practice!

Take a look at the pictures of us practicing the affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms of the verb.

6th graders can also use the activities to practice this verb and its conjugations because it is very important for the rest of the things that we will study in English this year.


Con 5º, estamos aprendendo e practicando o verbo ¨to be.¨ Este é o verbo máis importante en inglés e nos enlaces que vos deixamos abaixo atoparedes uns xogos e actividades para practicar.

Enriba están unhas fotos das actividades que estamos facendo en clase con este verbo.

A clase de 6º tamén pode utilizar estas actividades para practicar o verbo e as súas conxugacións xa que é moi importante para os contidos que estudaremos este curso.

¨to be¨ sentence game

Sentence Monkey ¨to be¨ game

Interactive Worksheet #1

Interactive Worksheet #2

Interactive Worksheet #3

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

English Class Activities at CEIP Plurilingüe Domaio

Hello! Here, you can see a video of some of the activites that we do in English class at our school. We play games and do fun activities that help us practice and learn English. Enjoy the pictures!


Ola! Aquí, podedes ver un vídeo dalgunhas actividades que facemos na aula de inglés no noso colexio. Facemos xogos e actividades divertidas que nos axudan a practicar e a aprender inglés. Disfrutade das fotos!