Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving Recipe: Apple Crumble with 5th and 6th Grade

Happy Thanksgiving! This year, Americans celebrate this holiday on Thursday, November 28th.

The students from 5th and 6th grade celebrated Thanksgiving on Monday with a fun and interesting activity. We prepared "Apple Crumble," a Thanksgiving recipe from the United States, with our American language assistant Ian.

We learned cooking and food vocabulary in English, practiced our kitchen skills, and had the opportunity to taste a dessert that families in the USA eat on Thanksgiving.

The students from 5th grade had the chance to try their apple crumble at snack time, and the 6th graders took their portion to try at home.

We all had a fantastic morning celebrating an important American holiday in the kitchen!

Thanks for reading! Here are some photos of the activity and the recipe.


Feliz Día de Acción de Grazas! Este ano, os americanos celebran este festivo o xoves, 28 de novembro.

Os rapaces de 5o e 6o celebraron o Thanksgiving o luns cunha actividade moi divertida e interesante. Preparamos ¨Apple Crumble¨ (Crumble de mazá), unha receta típica do Thanksgiving nos Estados Unidos co noso auxiliar americano Ian.

Aprendemos vocabulario de cociña e comida en inglés, practicamos as nosas destrezas de cociña, e tivemos a oportunidade de probar unha sobremesa que as familias estadounidenses comen no Thanksgiving.

Os alumnos de 5o tomaron o seu apple crumble durante a hora da merenda, mentres que os de 6o levaron os seus para probar en casa.

Pasamos unha mañá fantástica celebrando un festivo típico dos Estados Unidos na cociña.

Grazas por ler! Deixámosvos unhas fotos da actividade.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thanksgiving Turkeys Art Project with 1st and 2nd Grade

Hello! We are learning about Thanksgiving this week at school. This is a very important holiday in the United States, the home country of our language assistant Ian. 

This year, Americans will celebrate the holiday on Thursday, November 28th.

To celebrate the holiday, the students in 1st and 2nd grade made Thanksgiving turkeys (the symbol of Thanksgiving) in art class. We used pine cones, colored papers, our hands, and other materials to create our masterpieces.

We also listened to Ian, who told us about the traditions of the holiday. We talked about the things that we are thankful for, the most important part of the celebration.

The end result was fantastic! We had a great time doing this fun and creative activity.

Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble!


Hello! Estamos aprendendo un pouco sobre o Día de Acción de Grazas (Thanksgiving) no colexio esta semana. Este é unha celebración moi importante nos Estados Unidos, o país de orixe do noso auxiliar Ian.

Este ano, os estadounidenses celebran o festivo este xoves, o 28 de novembro.

Para celebralo, os alumnos de primeiro e segundo fixeron pavos de Thanksgiving, o símbolo da celebración, na aula de plástica. Utilizamos piñas, cartulinas de diferentes cores, as nosas mans, e outros materiais para elaborar as nosas obras de arte.

Ademais, escoitamos a Ian, que nos falou das tradicións de Thanksgiving. Compartimos as cousas polas que estamos agredecidos nas nosas vidas, a parte máis importante da celebración.

O resultado final foi fantástico! Pasámolo moi ben facendo esta actividade que fixo brillar a nosa creatividade.

Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble gobble!

Halloween 2019 at CEIP Domaio

Boo! Hello! At CEIP Domaio on October 30th, we celebrated this year's edition of Halloween with a spooky and fun activity.

The students from 1st to 6th grade played Halloween games, practicing their English and having fun celebrating the day. We played bingo, a memory game, build your own monster, sudoku, and a board game!

After finishing with the games, the students went trick or treating with our assistant Ian, who brought candy from the United States that the students tried. We liked some more than others!

It was a great day! You can watch the video to see more.


Boo! Hello! O 30 de outubro no CEIP Domaio, celebramos o Halloween (ou Samaín) deste ano cunha actividade divertida e terrorífica.

Os alumnos de primaria participaron en xogos relacionados co Halloween, practicando o seu inglés e celebrando o día. Xogamos ao bingo, ao sudoku, a un xogo de memoria, a un xogo de mesa, e tamén a un xogo no que fixemos os nosos propios monstruos! 

Despois de acabar cos xogos, os rapaces foron de truco ou trato co noso auxiliar Ian, que trouxo doces dos Estados Unidos para probar. Gustáronnos alguns máis que outros!

Foi un día estupendo! Podedes ver o vídeo abaixo.