Wednesday, March 25, 2020

2nd Grade: Animals and Prepositions

Hello, 2nd grade families and students! Before the suspension of classes, we were learning about animals and the prepositions of place.

We want to give you some materials to help you practice these topics during the time away from school.

Here is a video that our English assistant Ian made to help us review the animal vocabulary and the prepositions.

Do you love animals? Here is a video to practice the alphabet and to learn the names of even more animals!

Can you solve the mysteries? Try to guess the animals in the pictures with this video!

Finally, this video shows us talking flashcards of animals that you can find at the zoo.

Here are two interactive worksheets to practice animal vocabulary:

Look and Match

At the Zoo

Time to practice prepositions! See if you can guess where the objects are.

Here is one final video with a song about the prepositions "on," "in," "under," and "by." "By" is a synonym of "next to!" :)

Finally, here is an interactive worksheet that you can use to practice.

Prepositions of Place

If you have any questions or if you would like to share with us how you are practicing English, you can send us an e-mail to:

Thanks, and talk to you later!


Ola, familias e alumnos de segundo de primaria! Antes da suspensión das clases, estabamos aprendendo vocabulario sobre os animais e as preposicións de lugar.

Queremos compartir con vós uns materias que serven para practicar e repasar estes temas mentres non estamos na escola.

Aquí deixámosvos un vídeo feito polo noso auxiliar Ian para axudar a repasar o vocabulario de animais e as preposicións.

Gústanche os animais? Este vídeo axudarache a practicar o abecedario en inglés e a aprender aínda máis nomes de animais en inglés!

Podes resolver estes misterios? Intena adiviñar os animais nas imaxes neste vídeo!

Por último, este vídeo ensínanos ¨talking flashcards¨ de animais que podes atopar no zoo.

Para practicar o vocabulario dos animais, aquí atoparedes dúas fichas interactivas:

Look and Match

At the Zoo

Agora toca practicar as preposicións! A ver se es capaz de identificar onde están estes obxetos en inglés.

O derradeiro vídeo contén unha canción sobre as preposicións "on," "in," "under," e "by." "By" é sinónimo de ¨next to," por certo. :)

Por último, aquí deixámosvos unha ficha interactiva para practicar as preposicións de lugar.

Se tes algunha dúbida ou se queres compartir connosco como estás a practicar o teu inglés, podes enviarnos un correo electrónico a:

Grazas, e ata logo!

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