Hello, 1st grade families and students. We are learning about family (mum, dad...) and actions (run, jump...).
Ian, our English assistant, made a video for the students to review vocabulary related to the family.
If you want to sing, here is a song from Sesame Street about family:
The Finger Family also has a song for us to practice.
Test what you know with this interactive worksheet:
Now, let's review and practice action verbs! Check out these talking flashcards:
And finally, get up and move with this fun action song!
If you have any questions or if you would like to share with us how you are practicing English, you can send us an e-mail to: ceipdomaioenglish@gmail.com.
Thanks, and see you later!
Ola, familias e alumnos de primeiro. Estamos estudando vocabulario relacionado coa familia (mum, dad...) e as accións (run, jump...).
Ian, o noso auxiliar, fixo este vídeo para repasar o vocabulario da familia.
Gústache cantar? Aquí deixámovos un vídeo do Barrio Sésamo sobre a familia en inglés.
A ¨Finger Family¨ tamén ten un vídeo que podemos utilizar para practicar o vocabulario das familias.
Pon a proba o teu vocabulario con esta ficha interactiva:
Agora, imos repasar e practicar os verbos de acción! Bota un ollo a estas ¨talking flashcards¨:
Por último, levántate e móvete con esta divertida canción sobre as accións!
Grazas, e ata logo!
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