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  Monday, May 11th, 2020

Hello, students and families of CEIP Plurilingüe Domaio! We hope that everyone is doing well.

From now until the end of the term, we will be reviewing the most important materials from the rest of the school year and studying some new vocabulary.

See the links below for new materials for each grade level.


If you have any questions or if you would like to share pictures or videos of you practicing your English, you can get in touch via email at ceipdomaioenglish@gmail.com.

Thanks for reading, and talk to you later!  

How Beethoven's music can help us through the COVID crisis | World ...


  Monday, May 11th, 2020

"Hello" a tódolos alumnos e familias do CEIP Plurilingüe Domaio! Esperamos que todos vos atopedes ben.

Dende agora ata o final do curso, imos repasar os contidos máis esenciais e importantes do resto do curso e estudar un pouco de novo vocabulario.

Nos ligazóns de abaixo, atoparedes novos materiais para cada curso.


Se tedes calquera dúbida ou pregunta o se queredes compartir connosco fotos ou vídeos dos vosos traballos en inglés, podedes enviarnos un email a ceipdomaioenglish@gmail.com.

¨Thank you¨, e ata logo!

How Beethoven's music can help us through the COVID crisis | World ...

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