Sunday, May 10, 2020

1st and 2nd Grade: "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

Hello, 1st and 2nd grade families! We hope you are doing well.

From now until the end of the term, we will be reviewing materials that we learned before March and learning new vocabulary.

We are going to start with a lesson based around the book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. Here are two videos where you can watch the story in English. The first video is with pictures, and the second one is with shadow puppets.

Here is a PDF that you can use as your "guide" to the story. 

There are exercises to practice the story's vocabulary, and you can also draw your own beautiful butterfly!

And here is a video of Ian reviewing the vocabulary.

This story helps us practice topics like numbers, days of the week, and foods. Here are some interactive worksheets related to the story that you can also use to practice.

Match the Fruits with the Days

Fruits and Numbers: Matching

Fruits and Numbers: Listen and Click

Match the Days with the Foods

What Fruits on What Days?

What Foods Did the Caterpillar Eat?

Here are some more interactive worksheets to practice days of the week:

Write the Days of the Week

Days of the Week in English and Spanish

Days of the Week in Order

Finally, you can practice the numbers from 1-10 with these worksheets:

Match the Number to the Word

Unscramble the Numbers

Remember that you can contact us with any question or doubt that you have by sending an email to If you want, you can also send us the photos of your butterflies or the work that you are doing for English class.

Thank you, and see you soon!


"Hello," familias de 1o e 2o! Esperamos que vos atopedes ben.

Dende agora ata o final do curso, imos repasar os materais básicos que estudamos ata marzo e tamén imos aprender novo vocabulario.

Imos empezar cunha lección basada no libro de ¨The Very Hungry Caterpillar¨ de Eric Carle. Aquí tedes dous vídeos nos que podedes ver o conto en inglés. O primeiro vídeo con fotos, e a segunda con teatro de sombras.

Abaixo, tedes un PDF que podedes usar como a vosa ¨guía¨ do conto.

Hai exercicios para practicar o vocabulario do conto, e tamén podedes debuxar a vosa propia bolboreta!

Tamén deixámosvos un vídeo de Ian repasando o vocabulario.

Este conto axúdanos a practicar os números, os días da semana, e os alimentos en inglés. Abaixo, hai unhas fichas interactivas relacionadas co conto que podedes usar para practicar.

Match the Fruits with the Days

Fruits and Numbers: Matching

Fruits and Numbers: Listen and Click

Match the Days with the Foods

What Fruits on What Days?

What Foods Did the Caterpillar Eat?

E aquí, tedes outras fichas interactivas para practicar os días da semana:

Write the Days of the Week

Days of the Week in English and Spanish

Days of the Week in Order

E por último, podedes practicar os números de 1 a 10 con estas fichas:

Match the Number to the Word

Unscramble the Numbers

Lembrade que podedes poñervos en contacto con nós con calquera dúbida ou pregunta ao correo electrónico Se vos apetece, podedes enviar as fotos das vosas borboletas ou dos traballos que fixechedes para a aula de inglés.

Grazas, e ata pronto!

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