Tuesday, April 14, 2020

2nd Grade: Animals and The Body (April 14th-30th)

Hello, 2nd grade families and students! We hope that you had a nice Easter holiday and that you enjoyed spending time with your families.

For the next two weeks, we want to share some material on our blog to help you continue studying and practicing English.

This is a guide to the material that we will review, which includes animals and body parts. Click on the images to make it bigger.

Ian made a video talking about his animals in the United States. You can see it below. Do you want to make your own video and talk about your animals? Send it to us at our email!

These two videos will also help you to practice the names of animals in English. The first one is a traditional American children's song, and the second one uses talking flashcards.

Another fun thing that you can use to review animals is this drawing activity! Here, you can learn to draw a duck, a rabbit, a giraffe, a chicken, a peacock, a turtle, and a snake using the shape of your hand.

And this video shows you how to draw a cat!

Also, you can use these three interactive worksheets to practice. Click on the images to access the materials.




Finally, we are also practicing the body parts of animals. These interactive worksheets are good for practicing "it's got/it hasn't got" ("ten"/"non ten"). Click on them below.



You can communicate with us by sending a message to ceipdomaioenglish@gmail.com if you have any questions or doubts.

Thank you for reading, and talk to you soon!


"Hello" a tódolos alumnos e familias de segundo! Esperamos que tivésedes unha boa Semana Santa e que desfrutásedes do tempo coas vosas familias.

Durante as próximas dúas semanas, queremos compartir convosco algúns materiais para seguir estudando e practicando inglés.

Esta é unha guía para o material que imos repasar (animais e partes do corpo). Preme na imaxe para ampliala.

Ian fixo un vídeo sobre os seus animais nos Estados Unidos. Podedes velo abaixo. Anímaste a facer un vídeo sobre os teus animais ou mascotas? Se o fas, envíanolo ao noso correo electrónico!

Estes dous vídeos nos serven para axudarnos a practicar os nomes dos animais en inglés. O primeiro usa unha canción tradicional dos Estados Unidos, e o segundo usa tarxetas de vocabulario.

Another fun thing that you can use to review animals is this drawing activity! Here, you can learn to draw a duck, a rabbit, a giraffe, a chicken, a peacock, a turtle, and a snake using the shape of your hand.

Outra opción divertida que tedes para practicar os animais é esta actividade de debuxo! Neste vídeo, podedes aprender a debuxar un duck (pato), un rabbit (coello), unha giraffe (xirafa), unha chicken (galiña), un peacock (pavo real), unha turtle (tortuga), e unha snake (serpe) usando as túas mans.

E este vídeo ensínanos a debuxar un cat (gato)!

Tamén, podedes practicar usando estas tres fichas interactivas. Preme nas imaxes para acceder aos materiais.




Por último, estamos practicando os partes do corpo dos animais tamén. Estas fichas interactivas son boas para practicar empregando a estructura de "it's got/it hasn't got" ("ten"/"non ten"). Preme abaixo para acceder a elas.



Podedes poñervos en contacto connosco ao correo electrónico ceipdomaioenglish@gmail.com con calquera dúbida ou pregunta que teñades.

Grazas por ler, e ata pronto!

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