Happy Thanksgiving! This year, Americans celebrate this holiday on Thursday, November 28th.
The students from 5th and 6th grade celebrated Thanksgiving on Monday with a fun and interesting activity. We prepared "Apple Crumble," a Thanksgiving recipe from the United States, with our American language assistant Ian.
We learned cooking and food vocabulary in English, practiced our kitchen skills, and had the opportunity to taste a dessert that families in the USA eat on Thanksgiving.
The students from 5th grade had the chance to try their apple crumble at snack time, and the 6th graders took their portion to try at home.
We all had a fantastic morning celebrating an important American holiday in the kitchen!
Thanks for reading! Here are some photos of the activity and the recipe.
The students from 5th and 6th grade celebrated Thanksgiving on Monday with a fun and interesting activity. We prepared "Apple Crumble," a Thanksgiving recipe from the United States, with our American language assistant Ian.
We learned cooking and food vocabulary in English, practiced our kitchen skills, and had the opportunity to taste a dessert that families in the USA eat on Thanksgiving.
The students from 5th grade had the chance to try their apple crumble at snack time, and the 6th graders took their portion to try at home.
We all had a fantastic morning celebrating an important American holiday in the kitchen!
Thanks for reading! Here are some photos of the activity and the recipe.
Feliz Día de Acción de Grazas! Este ano, os americanos celebran este festivo o xoves, 28 de novembro.
Os rapaces de 5o e 6o celebraron o Thanksgiving o luns cunha actividade moi divertida e interesante. Preparamos ¨Apple Crumble¨ (Crumble de mazá), unha receta típica do Thanksgiving nos Estados Unidos co noso auxiliar americano Ian.
Aprendemos vocabulario de cociña e comida en inglés, practicamos as nosas destrezas de cociña, e tivemos a oportunidade de probar unha sobremesa que as familias estadounidenses comen no Thanksgiving.
Os alumnos de 5o tomaron o seu apple crumble durante a hora da merenda, mentres que os de 6o levaron os seus para probar en casa.
Aprendemos vocabulario de cociña e comida en inglés, practicamos as nosas destrezas de cociña, e tivemos a oportunidade de probar unha sobremesa que as familias estadounidenses comen no Thanksgiving.
Os alumnos de 5o tomaron o seu apple crumble durante a hora da merenda, mentres que os de 6o levaron os seus para probar en casa.
Pasamos unha mañá fantástica celebrando un festivo típico dos Estados Unidos na cociña.
Grazas por ler! Deixámosvos unhas fotos da actividade.
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