We are celebrating Halloween at school this week! Yesterday, we began the celebration with a story time activity with pre-primary.
The 6th graders read and presented a story called ¨Go Away, Big Green Monster!¨ to the boys and girls in pre-primary, and then we danced to different Halloween songs.
We had a great time! You will find photos of our Halloween Story Time activity as well as the songs that we listened to under the text.
Happy Halloween!
The 6th graders read and presented a story called ¨Go Away, Big Green Monster!¨ to the boys and girls in pre-primary, and then we danced to different Halloween songs.
We had a great time! You will find photos of our Halloween Story Time activity as well as the songs that we listened to under the text.
Happy Halloween!
Estamos celebrando o Halloween no colexio esta semana. Onte, empezamos a nosa celebración cos nenos e nenas de infantil cun contacontos.
Os alumnos de 6º leron e presentaron un libro que se chama ¨Go Away, Big Green Monster¨ aos nenos e nenas de infantil, e logo, bailamos escoitando unhas cancións de Halloween.
Pasámolo moi ben! Atoparedes unhas fotos da actividade e tamén as cancións que escoitamos debaixo do texto.
Happy Halloween!
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