We are excited to present a new project that 5th and 6th grade will be participating in this trimester. We will be "partnered" with two schools in the United States, and our students are going to have the opportunity to communicate with the students from these schools and practice their English.
Our English assistant, Ian, has a relationship with these schools. Why? His mom is a teacher at Green Magnet Academy, and his aunt is a teacher at Orchard STEM School.
Last week, we had our first session to help prepare us for the project. Ian presented information about the schools and the cities in which they are located to the classes.
After, we looked for the states and cities in which the schools are located on a map of the United States.
Our students are now researching to find out more about the schools, and beginning to prepare their own "biographies" to share with their American peers.
- Green Magnet Academy: Knoxville, Tennessee (5th Grade)
- Orchard STEM School: Cleveland, Ohio (6th Grade)
Our English assistant, Ian, has a relationship with these schools. Why? His mom is a teacher at Green Magnet Academy, and his aunt is a teacher at Orchard STEM School.
Last week, we had our first session to help prepare us for the project. Ian presented information about the schools and the cities in which they are located to the classes.
After, we looked for the states and cities in which the schools are located on a map of the United States.
Our students are now researching to find out more about the schools, and beginning to prepare their own "biographies" to share with their American peers.
We will continue to provide more updates about the project in the near future. Thank you for reading!
Estamos moi ilusionados de presentar un novo proxecto no que os alumnos de 5o e 6o participarán este trimestre. Faremos un proxecto con dous colexios nos Estados Unidos, e os nosos alumnos terán a oportunidade de comunicarse con nenos e nenas destas escolas mentres practican o seu inglés.
O noso auxiliar de inglés, Ian, ten unha relación con estes dous colexios. Por que? A súa nai é profesora na Green Magnet Academy, e a súa tía e profesora na Orchard STEM School.- Green Magnet Academy: Knoxville, Tennessee (5º)
- Orchard STEM School: Cleveland, Ohio (6º)
A semana pasada, fixemos a primeira sesión do proxecto. Ian presentounos información sobre os dous colexios e as cidades nas que están localizadas.
Despois, localizamos os estados e as cidades nos que están os colexios nun mapa dos Estados Unidos.
Os nosos estudantes están agora investigando para saber máis das dúas escolas, e están comezando coa preparación das súas propias ¨biografías¨ que van a compartir cos nenos dos colexios norteamericanos.
Imos continuar a darlles máis información e novidades sobre o proxecto próximamente. Grazas por botarlle unha ollada ao post!